This morning I got up at 5:30 -in the AM, because my husband went to the barn noisily and Emily woke up and called for me. I got her to go (or so I thought) back to bed. Unfortunately I started thinking about jobs I have to do to get ready for Ashley's birthday tomorrow. Plus I remembered I forgot to put in a load of laundry last night before bed. Does anyone else have this obsession? Must put laundry in washer after 7pm in the evening to save hydro? We are also on a well so I run the washing machine in the evening and dishwasher in the morning. I just like my routine I guess. I am usually not quite so OCD that I would get out of bed at 5:30 to do it, but I remembered wet dishcloths and pee accident pants I threw in the washing machine last night but didn't fill the load or turn it on....stinky.
Anyways, I started back up the stairs to go back to bed and I heard her voice again so we got up and baked muffins. It started as applesauce muffins and cleaning out the fridge. Then I saw a message on facebook from a friend that no one had signed up for snack at our MOPS meeting. So I thought I could 'whip up' a coffee cake. I tried a new recipe. It was not my best but it was edible.
Then Ashley got up. Today is the day before her b-day. We had planned to go to MOPS then McDonald's (or the french fries store, as my girls call it). The local movie theater had a free kids movie on this afternoon. The Croods. So This was going to be Ashley's b-day party. I wanted to take rice krispie squares for ease and less mess, BUT When Ashley saw the coffee cake she thought it was her b-day cake so I made her a confetti cake from a box mix to take to share after the movie. 'With pink-icing' - yes Ashley, with pink icing. All before 7 am.
Tomorrow Ashley goes to school with rice krispie squares for her class. Then we will have another cake with the grandparents at supper. That should be enough icing to last these kiddo's for awhile. At least until the 28th for Emily's 3rd b-day.