The kids went back to school today. Grade 1 and Grade 2. Packing lunches has become easier for me since I have a few years under my belt. I have gotten asked this past weekend what I put in their lunches so I thought I would share. My kids school has a no nuts policy and no eggs (which includes mayo and salad dressings) no fish and no sunflower oil in Emily's class. I give each each kid a piece of fruit and 2 cut up veggies. They each get a cheese and crackers bag and a yogurt. I always pack a mini muffin that is homemade with fruit or veggie in it. They also get a juice box and granola bar or 2 cookies. I also put in raisins or another dried fruit. All these items are made and packed in containers early in the week so I just make a sandwich in the morning. I split the sandwich between the two girls. When they get tired of a plain butter, meat and cheese sandwich,I make 1/2 a bagel and cream cheese or bagel bites. I have even packed chicken nuggets with a ketchup package or cold pizza. Tortillas wraps with cream cheese and ham or cheese quesadilla with a little sour cream is a nice change.
I pack all the food groups. The fruit changes but my kids like apples and strawberries a lot. They have their favorite veggies. Top choices are carrots, cucumber, red peppers. I have packed herb cream cheese with thier veggies so they can have a dip. When I am out of groceries I pack jam sandwiches. The girls like to use cookie cutters to make shapes and eat the crusts at breakfast.
When the munchkins get home from school if they didn't finish their lunch they eat the veggies and fruit before they get supper. Any dried fruit or granola bars go in the cupboard for their lunches the next day. The container I used for the girls lunches is lunch cube by sistema. It works well they are 5$ at bed, bath and beyond.