Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Garden 2020

This year has certainly been strange. As a family we spend LOTS of time together. We clean and divide up chores continually. Our projects have included, many many crafts like arm knitting, making friendship bracelets, shrinky dinks and painting.  Also many board games
We have been camping at our cottage lot and swimming most days. We work together on our farm. Our pets and cows are the center of these days. Bonfires and backyard visits with friends are a highlight.  I avoid public places and we don't travel but we visit grandparents almost every day.  In someways it's an opportunity to do the most important things in life.  Conversations and phone calls have less small talk and more of sharing our fears with each other and supporting one another.  I know where my kids have strengths and weaknesses are in school and in fitness and in socializing.  I have to be intentional about working on these areas of their lives because more than ever I am their main sounding board and friend. 
Since our home is where we spend almost all of our time. Our garden is more important than ever. We have had lettuce, basil, parsley, chives, tomatoes, beets, rhubarb, hot peppers. I planted a couple cauliflower but they don’t look to promising. I planted what I thought was cucumber but instead squash grew and also a white pumpkin.
My tomato plants are huge and I had a lot grow of volunteer plants come up from the seeds in the soil. I had some tomato bugs but not as bad as last year.  we’ve already had four tomatoes from my garden. The zucchini seeds I planted grew zucchinis out of control and we probably had 50 zucchinis. Luckily I found others to take them since Gary and girls have decided zucchini is an enemy. 
I have about 4 carrots that are sad. 
I planted 32 potato plants. They did surprisingly well. Gary thinks we should wait until the end of August to dig them up. They are not big yet.  I am looking forward to having some crab apples from our tree.  
This is zucchini pizza from the BBQ. I thought they were good. No one else tried them.  Other ways I have used zucchini is chocolate zucchini cake, in stew and soups, in butter chicken, on skewers for pork kabobs.  Also in spears with foil on the BBQ with butter.