We dug potatoes today. It's harvest time.
Sweet Karolina brought me a bucket of tomatoes. I'm making salsa today
And potato salad.
I still have Zucchini, Beets carrots and tons of apples. Yea garden 😎
We dug potatoes today. It's harvest time.
Today was fun. A sweet friend Nicole is interested in canning so I invited her over. We picked apples from my tree and made applesauce and canned it. I also harvested my Beets and she bought some. We canned pickled Beets. It went really well. She was happy with my garden and collected rhubarb and apples to take home. It was wonderful to share knowledge and garden harvest with someone who enjoys fresh produce as much as me.
The garden is drying out. It's coming to the end of another fun vegetable summer.
My sweet friend Julie Hough sells corn on the cob. Her boys picked extra corn on the weekend. It didn't all sell. She bought me 5 grain bags of corn this morning. We are sharing it with friends and cooking and freezing it.
Ashley husked corn. I cooked it and cut it.We got through Canada day. My lovely girls are 13 and 14 now. They can do Canada day by themselves. I get to sit at Debs in the shade and the girls come back to me when they are done exploring.
Laundry is never ending. I feel like I have more than the usual family.