Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Fresh tomato sauce

 Today my sweet friend Karolina offered me, tomatoes from her garden.  She has a Beautiful garden.  She said she has canned all the salsa and tomato sauce she wants for this year.

Holy money, lots of tomatoes, peppers and hot peppers.  I washed and froze 2 bags of tomatoes.   I peeled tomatoes.  I'm trying a crockpot recipe for tomato sauce.

I will be freezing this sauce. Its not suitable for canning.  Toasted tomato sandwiches for supper tonight 

Tomorrow Jane is coming over in the morning to make salsa with me. That will use up some.
My garden is pretty much done. I'm so thankful for these veggies.  I'm going to have lots of canning for the winter

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 This month of August has been busy. I have surgery Aug 8th. Then Aug 11 we left on a trip to the east coast. Gary did all the driving.  Our first night we stayed at Edmunston for the night. Our next night we drove to Hillsborough NB. It was a beautiful cabin. We stayed there 2 nights. 

We went on to PEI and had a wonderful time at the beach, Green Gables,  our air bnb cabin.
After pei we drove over the big bridge and on to Nova Scotia tagamagouche.

Aug 24th was our kimmett family reunion.  We hosted it at our cottage.  It was a wonderful day 

While Aug was awesome. My garden dried up. I don't have much veggies to collect anymore.  Todayi went to Harvest Brinery on John Street.  That store is full of canning jars. Emily and I bought haskaps jam and raspberry jam
I bought 1/2 a bushel of pickling cucumber and made 10 jars bread and butter pickles. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

More garden pictures

potatoes in a pot. We also have 40 potato plants in the ground 

snow peas

tomatoes and peppers,  Cantaloupe,  Beets,  Thai basil, also yellow beans.

onions from seed

Zucchini I  their own patch. Only 4 seeds

dill and future cucumbers 


June 2024

 Another garden season has started.  The winter was very mild. We had days in February at 15 degrees. I enjoyed being able to take my fogs for walks in every month of the winter and not being snowed in. 

For Christmas I received an aero garden ftom my bestie Jen. It's a water garden to start seeds inside. It's fantastic! I have grown all the garden seeds for Jen and I,  tons of herbs and tomatoes and peppers. 

I love this
Water Plants starter.

For my birthday in February I received a raised garden that Gary made. Also Jen got me a greenhouse plastic cover. So Gary made me 4" square garden to put my plants in with greenhouse to cover it. Whoop whoop 

My garden options are much bigger. I'm growing everything.  We have already been eating rhubarb,  peas, and today I picked our first Beets. I've picked a few carrots to 'thin' them out. Gary dumped a pile of soil out behind the apple tree so I could give my Zucchini thete own spot.
Tomorrow or the next day I will be able to pick my first one!

Friday, September 15, 2023

Sept 15th

 We dug potatoes today. It's harvest time. 

Sweet Karolina brought me a bucket of tomatoes.  I'm making salsa today 
And potato salad.
I still have Zucchini,  Beets carrots and tons of apples.  Yea garden 😎 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Crisscross September Applesauce


Today was fun. A sweet friend Nicole is interested in canning so I invited her over. We picked apples from my tree and made applesauce and canned it. I also harvested my Beets and she bought some. We canned pickled Beets. It went really well.  She was happy with my garden and collected rhubarb and apples to take home. It was wonderful to share knowledge and garden harvest with someone who enjoys fresh produce as much as me.

The garden is drying out. It's coming to the end of another fun vegetable summer. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Freezing corn

 My sweet friend Julie Hough sells corn on the cob. Her boys picked extra corn on the weekend.  It didn't all sell. She bought me 5 grain bags of corn this morning.  We are sharing it with friends and cooking and freezing it.

Ashley husked corn. I cooked it and cut it.