I love the "Bounty of the Land" and I get this from doing a
little gardening. I do not enjoy doing a lot of gardening. My lovely farmhouse yard is feeling more and more like my oasis as I look around at the spring plants growing. Every year I have added things that I love that will grow on there own with very little tending to. I have added easy perennials this year (peonies, mini iris and regular iris, tulips, daffodils, bleeding hearts and clematis around the seedums) and I already see my rhubarb coming on. Pumpkins grow on their own in the field beside our house where the cows graze. This fall I promise myself I am going to start the long process of getting wild asparagus to grow in behind the garage in between the crab-apple tree and rhubarb. We will again plant tomatoes in our 4 foot garden which I will weed occasionally. This alone provides salsa and delicious pies all winter. Plus the squash, cucumber, peppers, carrots and potatoes I get each year from my parents and my husband's parents. I always feel so blessed to know how to provide for ourselves and also share with our community our "bounty". Too bad I am not brave enough to eat dandelion leaves or experiment with the mushrooms that come up in our yard each year.

my daughter Emily getting her first taste of rhubarb.

my happy helper gardener Ashley

Donny and the perennials
Rhubarb Cream Pie
1 pie crust
fill with chopped rhubarb
in a bowl:
1 1/2 cup of sugar
3 tbsp of flour
1/2 tsp of nutmeg
1 tbsp of butter
2 eggs
Beat together and pour into shell over rhubarb.
Bake at 400 for 15 mins, then turn down to 350 til done. i forget how long.
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